Posts Tagged ‘ TechRadar ’

Greetings From the Future!

I just read online that Jon Favreau is planning not only and Iron Man 2, but but 3 and 4 as well. In the next Iron Man flick, Rhodey (Terrance Howard) may become the new War Machine. In the subsequent films, The Mandarin, Iron Mans arch-nemesis from the comics, will become the series main protagonist, ala The Emperor from Star Wars. Also in the next few movies, we may see some tie-ins to The Hulk and Captain America which could serve to build towards the Avengers movie. Also, Jon Favreau’s character Happy Hogan will have a larger role in the next few films. 

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As a futurist and an avid gamer, I really enjoyed a recent article on TechRadar that explores what the Playstation 4 may be like. Author Dean Evans points out that under the hood we’ll see an improved version of Sony’s current Cell processor similar to those found in IBM’s latest blade servers. In my opinion, this does seem plausible. Oftentimes, components that start off in expensive, high-end hardware tend to trickle down into consumer-grade products within a few years. According to Mr. Evans, we’ll also likely see a chipset upgrade to the 802.11n standard, external power supply, a much larger HDD, improved graphics processor, and more onboard memory. Also, the Playstaion 4 may be Sony’s first console to forgo an optical drive, meaning that all its games will be downloadable to its high-capacity (at least 3-5 TB) hard disk drive. As for when this new machine may be released, Kaz Hirai states that, “If you look at the history of the way we’ve managed our console business, we always try to hit a 10-year life cycle.” Taking that into consideration, the Playstation 2 was released in October of 2000, putting it’s end date sometime in 2010. However, the Playstation 3 overlapped it’s predecessor’s life cycle by 4 years. If this happens again, we can look forward to the Playstation 4 being released during the holiday season of 2012.  

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