Posts Tagged ‘ Rosewill ’

My Dream Machine for 2009

azteccaseEver since I found out about nVidia’s 3D Vision technology, I’ve wanted to try it out. Unfortunately, the machine I have right now, which I built back in November 2007, isn’t powerful enough. On top of that, my monitor isn’t compatible with the new tech. That is why I am hoping to save up enough to a killer new gaming rig. Truth be told, only time will tell if this build actually happens any time soon, due to financial constraints. Either way, it was something fun to look into.

Below are the parts and prices that would go into my Dream Machine:


  • RaidMax Aztec Mid-Tower Case


evga-moboEVGA LGA 775 ATX Intel Motherboard



  • EVGA GeForce GTX 260 Video Card



  • Intel 3.0GHz Q9650 Core 2 Quad Processor



  • G.Skill 4GB (2x2GB) DDR2 SDRAM



  • Rosewill 850W Power Supply
  • $119.99


  • GeForce 3D Vision Kit with 22inch Samsung LCD Monitor


Total:  $1559.94

(excluding s/h)

*If you noticed that I didn’t include a hard disk, there is a reason for that. I already have one for this new build.