Posts Tagged ‘ iWork ’

Apple iPad: Is It Worth It?

The answer to that question depends on how the device will be used. The iPad is a phenomenal media consumption device. However, it is a horrible productivity device. Apple’s recently released gadget measures 7.5 inches X 9.5 inches (W X H) and weighs 1.5 lbs. As such it is light enough to hold with one hand and large enough to comfortably view videos, full websites, and books, among other types of media. Unfortunately, the on-screen keyboard is not suitable for extended use, such as creating documents or large emails. Using a Bluetooth keyboard paired with the iPad is also cumbersome since the device does not include a stand of any sort. On top of that, Apple’s iWork productivity suite for the iPad simply cannot be relied on to do the same type of work as Microsoft Office, or even its own standard variety, because the touch-based user interfaces in those programs are not intuitive enough for most people. At $499 for its lowest-end model (16GB Wifi), the iPad simply may not be worth it for most people who already have a means of mobile media consumption. For those that do take the plunge, it will serve their needs remarkably with its 3000+ iPad-exclusive apps.