Posts Tagged ‘ Computers ’

The Nerve Center of My World


In order to give you more insight into who I am, I should I should let you know what I’m working with. Yes, that’s me in the picture. Aren’t I a handsome devil? In my opinion, I think I’ve got a pretty killer set up.

I’ll start with my rig, because there’s a lot to like about it. Here’s what it’s got on the inside:

  • 2.20 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo E4500
  • 3 GB RAM
  • 200 GB SATA HDD
  • nVidia 8800 GS
  • Gigabit Ehternet Card
  • LG Blu Ray / HD-DVD drive
  • Lite-On DVD drive

And on the outside:

  • Logitech Wireless Keyboard / Mouse
  • Logisyscom 2.1 Speaker Set
  • Sceptre 19 inch LCD
  • Vizio 26 inch LCD HDTV
  • Netgear Powerline Ethernet Adapter

I’ve also got it running 3 OS’s:

  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 7
  • Mac OS X 10.5.3 Leopard
  • Ubuntu 8.10 (Coming Soon)

Some people ask me why I have so many operating systems. I’m in IT, so it’s good to be well rounded. Having all those OS’s installed allows me to stay up-to-date with the entire industry regardless of OS, and I keep track of all new software updates and patches. People also ask me about the two monitors. It’s called a Dual Screen setup, and I use the Sceptre on my desk for all my work and the Vizio on my wall for media viewing. If you noticed, I also have a Playstation 3 on my desk which is also connected to my Vizio.

That’s my Nerve Center. I ❤ it!

Project: Vista for Games

vista_logo2I am currently using Windows 7 for most of what I do on a daily basis. This primarily includes web-surfing and and watching movies and podcasts. However, my machine also has a second partition with Windows Vista installed on it. Since I started using Windows 7, I haven’t really gone back to Vista. The thing is, I like playing PC games and I’m not sure how games like Bioshock and Crysis will run in the Windows 7 beta. That’s why I have decided to use Vista, the more stable of the two, primarily for games. What makes it even better is that I have a 26 inch Vizio LCD HDTV. In Vista, I can easily set it up so that my Vizio is the primary monitor. Doing so will allow me to play my games on that monitor. Previously I tried this with both screens activiated and could not switch the monitor that my games played on. Having a dedicated operating system for games will make it a lot better, and easier.