Archive for the ‘ Apps ’ Category

Essential Service: Rhapsody

When it comes to modern music services, few are exemplary as Rhapsody. It offers plenty of features, is available on a wide range of devices, and comes at a price that very hard to ignore. Rhapsody’s music streaming element is what originally caught my attention and turned me into a paying customer. However, I’ve decided to stay a paying customer because of its other features, such as Rhapsody Radio, the Music Guide, and the ability to download playlists. Rhapsody Radio allows users to create custom radio channels that will play music based off of either a single artist / band or a group of different artists / bands. Users can also choose to listen to pre-made Radio channels, such as those based on a particular genre or time of years. The Music Guide is where users will find the vast library of Rhapsody’s musical content. This content can be browsed in multiple ways, such as with the search box, by new releases, by top charts, or by genre. My favorite feature that Rhapsody offers is its ability to download playlists. When I use Rhapsody on my Android phone, I’ve gotten used to streaming music from my library. However, doing so depends heavily on my cell phone signal strength. Being able to download playlists removes this road block, since music is then played locally from my cell phone itself. On top of all these awesome features, Rhapsody also has apps available for a wide array of smartphone platforms, which includes Android phones and the iPhone. One more thing….all of this comes at a cost of just $10 per month. Not a bad deal at all.

If you’re an avid music fan, I would strongly suggest you subscribe to the Rhapsody music service.

Find out more here:



Sign of The Times


After their instruments were stolen, members of Brooklyn, New York based rock band Atomic Tom were still able to put on a decent show in a subway car, of all places. Through sheer ingenuity, they decided to replace their instruments with apps on their iPhone 4’s.  They can be seen in the following video using apps such as Virtuoso Piano, Guitar, Pocket Drums, and Microphone Pro, all of which sound great together. The fact that a band can put on as great a performance as Atomic Tom did, with nothing more than their cell phones, is a real testament to the modern technological times we live in. It’s amazing to me that our cell phones are no longer just a communications medium, but everything else as well. They can also be our musical instruments, reading device, and video game platform, among other things. It’s awesome that everything that we could ever need, technologically speaking, can be found in a device that fits in our pockets.

Check out Atomic Tom’s impromptu subway performance:


Like their sound? You can find out more about them on the bands Myspace:

Air Mouse for the iPhone / iPod Touch

airmouse-icon2Do you have an awesome home theater PC or Mac set up, but need a cool, efficient way to control it? While there are plenty of solutions to this common problem, Air Mouse is by far the best, in my opinion. You’ll soon see why it is even worth its $6 price tag in the iTunes App Store. Not only does this app have the common trackpad and keyboard, but it also has accelerometer support that allows it to be used in either portrait or landscape orientation. On top of that, it also recognizes and indicates the active program or window. For example, if you are using a media player, such as Windows Media Player or iTunes, appropriate function keys appear on the bottom half of the iPhone screen. If you are giving a presentation, Air Mouse can even be used a pointer. I have even found it useful as a trackpad for my PC, where it replaces my mouse.

To use this application, you must first download and install the server program onto your PC or Mac from the website below. This is a small program that runs as a background process and allows the iPhone app to control your machine. Once that is installed, you can then download and install the client application onto your iPhone, just like any other app from the iTunes App Store.

Air Mouse is really a great app that I’m sure you will find very useful.

More info:

Awesome App: Air Sharing

air_sharing_111From Avatron Software comes Air Sharing for the iPhone / iPod Touch. If you have not yet discovered this awesome application, you are missing out. Air Sharing is an app that allows you to store and view office files, such as Word documents and Excel spreadsheets, and media. It works like a wireless network flash drive. On your home PC/Mac, you can map the drive over your network by using the IP address supplied by the app itself. Doing so will allow you to access app’s drivespace just like any other drive on your computer. You can drag and drop any type of file there and it will then appear and be viewable on your iPhone/iPod Touch. Once you have files stored in the app, all you need to view, access, or download them on to another computer is a web browser. On the second machine, open up its web browser and enter the app’s IP address into the address bar. Easy as pie right? It really is. You’ll soon realize that Air Sharing is an indispensable app.

More info: