Apple News: Thunderbolt & Airdrop for OS X Lion


Apple seems to be the hot topic of the day, because they have reached two significant milestones.

They have recently refreshed their Macbook Pro line, which is now first to market with Intel’s new Thunderbolt port. This is a new input / output port that is capable of transferring files at speeds reaching 10 Gb/s. High data transfer rates like this would be best utilized in enterprise and audio / video environments, where large files are constantly being transferred / backed up between servers and client machines. You can learn more about Intel’s Thunderbolt protocol at Gizmodo: What is Thunderbolt?

Apple reached another milestone with the release of OS 10.7 Lion to their Developer Preview Program. This release indicates that the new version of the Apple operating system will be hitting store shelves as soon as this summer. One of its new features is known as AirDrop, which is a secure way to share files between computers over a wireless network. In order to do an AirDrop, a file must first be drag-and-dropped onto a users name under the AirDrop icon. That file will then appear in the users Downloads folder. Once the download is complete, the connection between the computers is terminated, making AirDrop a secure transfer protocol. For the time being, however, AirDrop can only be used on computers running the latest version of Apples operating system (10.7 Lion). You can find out more about AirDrop at Gizmodo: OS X Lion Will Have a Swift New File-Sharing Feature, AirDrop


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