Sign of The Times


After their instruments were stolen, members of Brooklyn, New York based rock band Atomic Tom were still able to put on a decent show in a subway car, of all places. Through sheer ingenuity, they decided to replace their instruments with apps on their iPhone 4’s.  They can be seen in the following video using apps such as Virtuoso Piano, Guitar, Pocket Drums, and Microphone Pro, all of which sound great together. The fact that a band can put on as great a performance as Atomic Tom did, with nothing more than their cell phones, is a real testament to the modern technological times we live in. It’s amazing to me that our cell phones are no longer just a communications medium, but everything else as well. They can also be our musical instruments, reading device, and video game platform, among other things. It’s awesome that everything that we could ever need, technologically speaking, can be found in a device that fits in our pockets.

Check out Atomic Tom’s impromptu subway performance:


Like their sound? You can find out more about them on the bands Myspace:

  1. makes me want to drink alchoholic beverages

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