The Vista Trials

I’ve recently installed Vista on a spare computer I have and I am currently using that as my primary machine. I’m doing this so that I can get a real feel for what the OS is actually like. I’ve been hearing nothing but bad news from the media about VIsta. Some sites even say that Vista may be the new Windows ME. You know as well as I do that the Mellenium Edition version of Windows was THE SUCK, mainly cuz there were barely any programs that were compatible with it. However, my experiences with Vista so far haS not been nearly as bad that the media makes it out to be. The one thing that I’ve seen complained about more than anything else in Vista is its confirmation box. This is the box that appears when a program or application opens. This may annoy some people, but not me. Its there to protect your computer, and it goes away after you click “Continue.” So big deal. Another reason people don’t like Vista is because they can’t cope with change. I for one like the new layout of Vista. It is much better than XP IMHO. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out where everything is in Vista. If you take some time, I’m sure everyone can find what they need to in Vista. I’m sick of hearing all of this bad news about Vista. It’s really not all that bad.

I’ll have more on Vista when I experience anything new with it. Til then, the Trials Continue….

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